
  • Aetna
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield (no HMO Plans)
  • Blue Essentials (Health Exchange Plan)
  • CIGNA (no HMO Plans)
  • Golden Rule
  • Great West Healthcare
  • Medicaid-Absolute Total Care
  • Medicaid Fee-for-Service (no Medicaid as secondary)
  • Medicaid-First Choice
  • Medicaid-Molina Healthcare
  • PAI Administrators
  • Preferred Blue
  • Self-Pay
  • United Healthcare (no HMO Plans)

Press on Vaccine Name for Description of Vaccine.


Diptheria – A bacterial infection that can lead to obstruction of the upper airway. It also produces a neurotoxin that can cause neurological and or cardiovascular complications.

Tetanus – A bacteria found in the soil. The bacterium releases a toxin that can cause spasms of skeletal muscles and lockjaw (as it is commonly known for). It can be fatal.

Pertusis – A highly contagious bacterial infection also known as whooping cough. If the infection is found in unvaccinated infants it can cause pneumonia, seizures, and encephalopathy.


Haemophilis influenza B – An invasive bacteria that can cause pneumonia, meningitis, epiglottis and other severe infections.


Polio – A virus that can cause muscle weakness and paralysis.


Pneumococcal – A bacterial infection that can cause severe infections such as pneumonia, otitis media (ear infection), meningitis, or cellulitis (skin infection).


Rotavirus – A virus that can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea leading to dehydration and in extreme cases shock.

Hep B

Hepatitis B – A virus that causes chronic inflammation of the liver and can lead to severe long term complications even death.

Hep A

Hepatitis A – A virus that affects the liver causing temporary jaundice, nausea, vomiting, and bowel changes.


Chicken Pox – A highly contagious virus in the herpes family that causes a rash that itches along with flu-like symptoms.


Measles – A virus also known as rubeola that classically causes fever, cough, runny nose, eye inflammation, and a rash. It can result in serious complications in children including fatal clotting disorders.

Mumps – A virus causing enlargement of the salivary glands.

Rubella – A virus also known as the German measles which results in flu-like symptoms with a rash. It can be very dangerous for pregnant women.


Combination of DTap and IPV
See above description


Meningitis – An invasive bacteria that can effect multiple organs causing severe complications including meningitis, skeletal deformities, and organ failure.

Gardasil or Cervarix

Human Papilloma Virus – An invasive bacteria that can effect multiple organs causing severe complications including meningitis, skeletal deformities, and organ failure.


Seasonal Influenza virus – A virus that can cause fever, body aches, and other discomforts. It can lead to severe complications especially in the elderly.

Dr. Sears Schedule is an option available to parents who are interested in delayed vaccinations. Below is a list of his recommended schedule. If you decide to follow this schedule you will need to bring your child to the office more frequently than recommended by the well child exams. If you are only coming for a shot and not a well child exam you will only be charged a nurse visit instead of an office visit plus the cost of the vaccine if applicable.

  • 2 Months – DTaP (diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus), Rotavirus
  • 3 Months – Pc(pneumococcal disease), HIB (Haemophilus influenzae type B)
  • 4 Months – DTaP, Rotavirus
  • 5 Months – Pc, HIB
  • 6 Months – DTaP, Rotavirus
  • 7 Months – Pc, HIB
  • 9 Months – Polio, Flu (2 doses)
  • 12 Months – Mumps, Polio
  • 15 Months – Pc, HIB
  • 18 Months – DTaP, Chickenpox
  • 21 Months – Flu
  • 2 Years – Rubella, Polio
  • 2 Years 6 Months – Hep B, Hep A
  • 3 Years – Hep B, Measles, Flu
  • 3 Years 6 Months – Hep B, Hep A
  • 4 Years – DTaP, Polio, Flu
  • 5 Years – MMR, Flu
  • 6 Years – Chickenpox
  • 12 Years – DTaP, HPV (papillomavirus – sexually transmitted infection)
  • 12 Years 2 Months – HPV
  • 13 Years – HPV, Meningococcal (Meningococcus – a bacterium that causes meningitis)
WeightAgeSusp 160mg/5mlChewable 80mg
6-11 lbs (2.7-5 kg)0-3 ¼ tsp (1.25 ml
12-17 lbs (5.5-7.7 kg)4-11 mos1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)
18-23 lbs (8-10.5 kg)12-23 mos3/4 tsp (3.75 ml)
24-35 lbs (11-16 kg)2-3 yrs1 tsp (5 ml)2
36-47 (16-21 kg)4-5 yrs1.5 tsp (7.5 ml)3
48-59 lbs (22-27 kg)6-8 yrs2 tsp (10 ml)4
60-71 lbs (27-32 kg)9-10 yrs2.5 tsp (12.5 ml)5
72-95 lbs (33-43 kg)11 yrs3 tsp (15 ml)6
96+ lbs (43 + kg)12 yrs 325-650mg
WeightAgeSusp 100 mg/5mlChewable 100mg
12-17 lbs (5-8 kg)6-111/4-1/2 tsp (1.25-2.5 ml
18-23 lbs (8-11 kg)12-23 mos1/2-1 tsp (2.5-5 ml)1/2-1 tab
24-35 lbs (11-16 kg)2-3 yrs1 tsp (5 ml)3/4-1/5 tab
36-47 lbs (16-22 kg)4-5 yrs1.5 tsp (7.5 ml)1-2 tabs
48-59 lbs (22-27 kg)6-8 yrs2 tsp (10 ml)1.25-2.5 tabs
60-71 lbs (27-32 kg)9-10 yrs2.5 tsp (12.5 ml)1.5-3 tabs
72-95 lbs (32-44 kg)11 yrs3 tsp (15 ml)2-4 tabs

To apply for a position at our office, Cornerstone Family Medicine, please upload your resume & press send. We do at times have positions open for nurses, medical assistants, and receptionists. We will review your resume and contact you if we want to set up an in-office interview/phone interview.