Blog Page – Boxed Layout

Doctor’s Notes Are Stupid

One of the significant burdens for doctors, especially primary care doctors, is the writing of doctor’s notes.  These notes range from the get out of school or work, because I am sick note, to handicap placards, to disability applications, to requests for payment for medical equipment and services, to refunds of money because they could … Continue reading

April 29, 2019 Uncategorized

Pain Medicine Mayhem

One does not need to listen to the news very long to realize there is a problem in the United States with people overdosing on controlled substances.   More than 16,000 die every year of prescription drug overdose .  This is more than die annually in motor vehicle accidents.  In addition to overdose deaths, there is … Continue reading

October 26, 2016 Uncategorized

Long Live Quality

Over the last several years there has been increasing emphasis on “quality” in the field of medicine.  On the surface this sounds good.  After all, who wants poor quality healthcare?   The problem is that the excuse of increasing quality is being used for ever increasing central planning in the area of healthcare.  A long list … Continue reading

January 6, 2016 Uncategorized

Why I Am Retiring from Obstetrics

Many have asked why I am retiring from obstetrics. Here is an attempt to explain. First a description of the style of obstetrics I practiced. My style of obstetrics was low intervention, mother centric like the out of hospital midwives. This is in contrast to most obtetrical practices that are high intervention, medical system and … Continue reading

August 10, 2014 Obstetrics

Vaccines – Some Perspective Please!

Recently there has been an increase in the number of crying mothers calling our office looking to transfer their children to our practice because of the unpleasant way they were treated by the doctors where they were taking their children for well child care. I am hearing reports of doctors telling parents their children will … Continue reading

June 30, 2014 Uncategorized

Sword of Damocles

Greek literature contains the account of Damocles and Dionysius.  Damocles was a courtier who coveted the luxury, influence and power of King Dionysius.  Damocles begged Dionysius to allow him to experience what it was like to be the King.  Dionysius consented and traded places with Damocles.  Damocles gleefully stepped up and sat down in the … Continue reading

February 3, 2014 Uncategorized