Blog Page – Boxed Layout

It’s The Attitude!

In 1992, in order to encapsulate the central issue in the Presidential election that year, James Carville popularized the statement:  “It’s the economy, stupid.”  I am reminded of this during some of my patient encounters.  I think of a couple  I delivered a few months ago.    This couple had transferred to me, from a local … Continue reading

September 10, 2012 Uncategorized

I am Dropping My Health Insurance

After a great deal of thought I have decided to drop my health insurance. As everyone without health insurance knows, this a very scary position in which to find oneself.  Being in the healthcare field myself, I am well aware that a single day of hospitalization can generate tens of thousands of dollars in bills.  … Continue reading

April 20, 2012 Uncategorized

Observations on the Immunization Controversy

Anyone involved in the healthcare of children knows there is a growing number of parents who are selectively immunizing or not immunizing their children at all.  The medical establishment is becoming quite alarmed about this trend and becoming rather unpleasant towards parents who are questioning the benefits of immunizations. It has become an increasingly frequent … Continue reading

December 18, 2011 Immunizations

Stirrup Covers

A patient recently asked about the crocheted stirrup covers we use in our office.  I told her the story behind the original ones, which she enjoyed, so I thought I would share the story here. About fifteen years ago, Geraldine came to me as a new patient.  She was 78 years old and was having … Continue reading

December 1, 2011 Uncategorized

Why Do Businesses Exist?

This past summer I had two very bright and eager student rotate through my office.  One was a health administration student in the School of Business at Winthrop University.  The other was a 3rd year medical student, who obtained an MBA prior to entering medical school.  I asked both of these students the question:  Why … Continue reading

November 16, 2011 Uncategorized