
Long Live Quality

Over the last several years there has been increasing emphasis on “quality” in the field of medicine.  On the surface this sounds good.  After all, who wants poor quality healthcare?   The problem is that the excuse of increasing quality is being used for ever increasing central planning in the area of healthcare.  A long list … Continue reading

January 6, 2016

Sword of Damocles

Greek literature contains the account of Damocles and Dionysius.  Damocles was a courtier who coveted the luxury, influence and power of King Dionysius.  Damocles begged Dionysius to allow him to experience what it was like to be the King.  Dionysius consented and traded places with Damocles.  Damocles gleefully stepped up and sat down in the … Continue reading

February 3, 2014

Obamacare Starts

I am frequently asked about my opinion regarding Obamacare.  There has been lots and lots of excellent pieces written on the subject by others, but here are some of my thoughts.   This thing was never going to work.  They took the worst aspects of insurance medicine and the worst aspects of government  paid/controlled medicine, … Continue reading

January 6, 2014

Being Fat is Hard

It is everywhere:  advertisements on television, statements by celebrities and politicians, regulations, school lunch programs, medical protocols.  Obesity is now a major public enemy. I do not mean to diminish the significance of this issue.  There is no question, obesity is a serious health concern.  It has also increased, though not as much as advertised.  … Continue reading

March 25, 2013

Midwife Legislation in SC

Legislation has been proposed in SC that would severely restrict and possibly eliminate the option for out of hospital birth in South Carolina.  The following letter is what I have written in support of the certified midwives. To Our Legislators:   Re: H3731   I am a family physician practicing in Greer, SC.  I … Continue reading

March 8, 2013