
What is a Doctor?

What is a doctor?  Sounds like a silly question.  It is the person one goes to see when you are sick or  want help to stay healthy.  The reality is what occurs when one sees that doctor is dependent on what that doctor thinks it means to be a doctor.  Here is what I think. … Continue reading

November 8, 2011

My Birth Plan

I have been delivering babies now for 25 years.  Birth plans have been around for that whole time, but they are certainly presented by couples to their doctors more frequently today than they used to be.  The increase in birth plan development is a consequence of couples trying to influence what happens in a hospital … Continue reading

October 26, 2011

Why a blog?

Approximately three years ago I was trying to figure out what this new word I was hearing meant. That new word was “blog.” Who would have thought that now I would be attempting to produce one of my own. I recently found out that the word “blog” is actually an abbreviation for “Web Log.” A … Continue reading

October 14, 2011